Every rural man dreams of an all-terrain vehicle to go to the forest and go fishing, since the road in the village is only in the summer, during the rest of the year it doesn’t exist at all, you can only drive on a tractor and not everyone has it. But there is a way out of the village - this is a walk-behind tractor, and if it is also diesel it’s just a beast, not a car. As an example, our author’s unit “Zubr” diesel motoblock has eight horsepower, has a battery with a generator and a headlamp, is able to brake with the left or right wheel, which makes it possible to turn around in place due to a separate brake for each wheel. It gave the idea to do tracked all-terrain vehicle like a caterpillar tractor DT-75 where the left and right friction clutch serve as the principle of rotation, the clutch where you want to turn is braked when turning. The crawler track gives a small specific pressure on the ground, since the crushing mass is distributed along the lower plane of the caterpillar, by the way the tanks are made caterpillar for this reason, otherwise they would simply be bogged down in the mud. Caterpillars are also very good in the snow, for example, he also has a snowmobile on a rubber caterpillar. And now our author is obsessed with the idea of a caterpillar all-terrain vehicle, collecting information and material proceeds to create the unit.
Instruments: knife cutter, mount, screwdriver, nippers, hammer
Materials: tires from a tractor Belarus MTZ 82
Our master with a walk-behind tractor does not make any modifications; it doesn’t make the only thing that stalled the coupling between the walk-behind tractor and the power adapter so that the structure turns into a single whole

Then the author took tractor tires that are everywhere lying around idle only enriched nature

Dragged home of course with a margin and a friend is still where it comes in handy
The most important action is to cut off the side of the tire; it is the hardest to form the basis, the author makes the knife very sharp with the knife
Then the author pulled a rubber caterpillar onto the wheel of a walk-behind tractor

And the caterpillar turned on the adapter’s wheel

That is, in principle, and all, as already mentioned, there were no constructive changes; the author put on rubber tracks on a walk-behind tractor with an adapter and everything is simple as they say.
And now the author went through the snow checking his all-terrain vehicle on passability through snowdrifts.