Every teenager and adult uncles and aunts love to ride a bicycle. Family walks on bicycles, clean air, landscapes around are especially good. But with the advent of colds, and then frosts, these useful activities have to be put aside for a long time until spring. Bicycles hide in garage, or disassemble for parts and store on the balcony. And how sometimes you want to ride a bike in the winter. This is what our author was puzzled with; he really wanted to ride in the winter. And suddenly the idea came to make spikes on the tire with your own hands, since buying is again expensive. And now our author immediately starts work. What will he need for this action.
Materials: tires, cameras, waterproof glue, screws with washer.
Instruments: Awl screwdriver brush.

So a simple tool is ready and the author takes up the matter. With an awl, holes are pierced in the tire immediately around the entire circumference of the tire. After that, traces remain and the place for the screw can be easily found.

As the holes are made, the next step is to screw the cuts into the tire. The author takes a screwdriver with a magnetic tip puts on a screw

Then he dunks the whole thing in a jar of glue

And screw it into the tire, that's what it turns out

Of course, screws hats will stick out inside the tire.

The author copes with this problem as follows, he lubricates the inside of the tire with glue.

Cuts old tires to make gaskets.

He waited until everything hardens, inserted cameras, put on tires and this is how it looks.

Of course, our hero is eager to try out his invention. The author went into the yard and let's drive on the autumn ice.

And the last and most important of all that is listed on the back of the bike, the author has placed such a sign.

Follow the rules of the road)))