Once having heard on television about solar panels that are capable of converting the energy of the sun into electrical energy, the author set about trying to use them. To begin with, he tried to find out as much information as possible about solar panels, inverters, elements and their other components. Unfortunately, good solar panels are quite expensive and the author could not just take and buy a factory panel for practical use at home. However, among the many articles on the Internet, the author found several dedicated to the self-assembly of solar panels in home conditions.
Materials and tools that the author used to create his solar panel:
1) window panes measuring 86 by 66 cm
2) aluminum corners
3) soldering iron with consumables
4) set of solar cells
5) double-sided tape
6) inverter
7) batteries
Consider in more detail the stages of building a solar panel.
Before creating his first solar panel, the author spent quite a long time studying articles on panel assembly, information on various types of elements, methods of sealing, and materials necessary for a beginner to create panels. One of the most important knowledge that the author has gained in these articles is the experience of other people's mistakes. For example, he studied in some detail the main errors in sealing the panel, and also realized how best to work with plates of solar cells so as not to damage them.
After theoretical preparation, the author proceeded to practical. Since the budget for the manufacture of a solar panel was not large, the author decided to assemble its most of the materials at hand. Having found a rather good store of plastic windows, the author ordered two glass 86 x 66 cm in size there. Also in one of the stores aluminum corners were purchased, which will make up the frame of the solar panel. The author decided to order solar cells in an online store, since there they were much cheaper.

When all the basic materials were collected and the items received by mail, the author proceeded to assemble his first solar panel.
To begin with, it was decided to connect all the elements with a metal tape and a soldering iron. Since the author got acquainted with the main errors when soldering solar cells, this process went without breakdowns.In the work, the author used a small amount of rosin, and the pressure during soldering was light, in addition, before starting work, all the elements were laid out on a flat glass surface, so the whole process of soldering the elements was not difficult. It took about one and a half hours to solder 36 plates of solar cells, plus some time was spent tinning the wires. The main principles the author called the need for a 40-watt soldering iron, since the plates give off heat when the soldering iron is approaching, and the rosin for soldering should be completely different, the tin may not stick to the plate, for this reason the author had to tear all the wires completely.

To fix the plates on the glass in the even position of the rows, the author used double-sided tape. With the same scotch tape, the author completely secured the edging of glass, onto which a polymer film was then glued.
Below is a photo with all kinds of adhesive tape that the author used to create this solar panel:

The author also needed adhesive tape when sealing the solar panel. it is very important to seal the elements, because if moisture gets on the contacts they will oxidize and you will have to re-solder them. Therefore, a plastic film was glued to the assembled panel, which the author secured with the same double-sided tape. The main thing in this process is not to forget about stocks for edges and accuracy when creating cuts for wires. After the film was successfully pasted, the author used silicone sealant.

Further, the glass had to be placed in a frame in order to protect it from chips and simply increase the reliability of the solar battery design. The author preferred to make a glass frame out of plastic, since he had some plastic left over from home repairs, although metal corners or wooden bars can also be used. In general, it all depends on what means and materials you have.
The frame was glued using a standard iron on a flat surface at 45 degrees.

Then the glass was installed inside such a home-made frame and the edges were once again glued with silicone sealant. The excess film in the process was cut for a better aesthetic appearance of the product.

As a result, we got such a solar panel made of improvised materials:

In the same way, another solar panel was assembled, since the elements were purchased with stock.
Further, the author decided to begin testing the assembled panels.
The first panel had a voltage of 21 V and a current strength of 3.4 A. at a circuit. Battery charge 40 A. h. 2.1 A. During the tests it was quite cloudy and it was not possible to check the maximum power of the panels.
However, the author was not discouraged and decided to combine both assembled solar panels into one system.
As a result, under the same weather conditions, the assembled system of two solar panels produced a closure current power of 7 amperes, and a voltage of about 20 V. This is quite enough, moreover, in more sunny weather, the indicators will be much better.

As a result, the author made the following conclusions: it turned out to be an excellent looking panel, which in terms of characteristics is not inferior to industrial designs. The author considered all stages of manufacturing quite simple for himself. It is difficult to judge about the quality and durability of the panel, however, the author tried to solder the elements as well as possible and seal them from external influences.

Also, from the remnants of the elements, the author collected another small panel with a power of only 5 watts and 1 A.
The author installed the panels on the roof of his house. Batteries that are charged from solar panels are used to power several light bulbs, a fan and a TV.