Today, people are increasingly concerned about the environment due to the large number of cars filling the streets of cities. The main problem is exhaust fumes. In Europe, people are very sensitive to this topic and come up with new standards so as not to tarnish the surrounding nature with harmful exhausts. As everyone knows, a catalyst is placed in the exhaust pipe due to which the car's power increases and the emission of harmful impurities into the environment decreases. But with all the advantages, there are also disadvantages especially with us - this is the poor quality of gasoline. The catalyst quickly becomes clogged, subsequently burns out without exhausting its resource.

I have to change it and it costs money. So our author wondered what to replace the catalyst with. I climbed the forums on the Internet, talked with friends to motorists and came to the conclusion that you need to make a flame-extinguisher. Its construction is simple, which means that it is possible to make the garage with your own hands without resorting to the help of car mechanics. When installing a flame extinguisher, fuel consumption is reduced on average from one to one and a half liters per hundred kilometers, as a result, an increase in engine power by about ten horsepower and, accordingly, the life of the flame extinguisher, unlike the catalyst, increases. And now, reinforced by the advice of friends, the author takes up the matter. What will the author need to realize his idea.
Materials: two pipes of different diameters so that you can insert one into the other, metal brushes for washing dishes, fasteners.
Instruments: welding machine, grinder, drill, hammer, ramrod.
First of all, the author prepared such brushes for washing metal dishes.

In the future they will come in handy. The author takes two pipes of different diameters, cuts off the size. In that part of the pipe that will be inside, holes were drilled in length and diameter.

Then the pipe was inserted into the pipe and welded from one end

This is necessary to stuff metal brushes into the internal cavity between the pipes.

The author rams everything tightly with a ramrod, the denser the better. And then brewed from the other end.

The final touch will be primer and painting.The author uses heat-resistant silver paint, as the people dubbed it silver. That's all the flame extinguisher made and painted.