For the construction I used ideas taken from the Internet. And the waste material that has remained from previous buildings. And so what did our author need to build a compost heap.
Materials: boards, roofing professional flooring, blocks, cement mortar, nails, metal mesh.
Instruments: hacksaw, hammer, scissors for metal, screwdriver, nippers.
So, first of all, the author makes the skeleton of the future compost heap. I dug blocks around the perimeter, inserted bars into them and poured cement mortar, left to dry. Then, at the bottom, lifting twenty centimeters from the ground level by twenty centimeters which will be the support of the future floor.

Then the author nailed the floor and wall boards. The walls have slots for ventilation.

He covered the walls with a net.

The distance between the boards in the front front part is regulated by such plastic wedges.

He made a roof from a sheet of professional flooring left after construction

Yes, the roof is not simple, but hinged on hinges

And most importantly, the box is divided into three sections and each section is collapsible on the front side, which simplifies the process of loading and unloading compost from the heap. Well, that's essentially all the author made his compost pile, which he is very happy.