Materials: The engine from the washing machine, a pipe with a diameter of sixteen millimeters, corners, an old metal cup, plastic 16 mm, an old hacksaw.
Instruments: welding machine, drill, grinder, set of keys, hammer, screwdriver, wire cutters.
And so the author for his development takes such an engine from a washing machine.

Then, from the corners, I welded a frame for installing the engine.

The mower knife was made from an old Soviet hacksaw, by the way a very excellent metal.

He sawed such a strip of cloth.

And then attached directly to the pulley.

I saw four wheels from 16 mm thick plastic sheet.

So that the grass does not scatter in different directions, the author found a solution to install just such an old metal cup.

Further, the author makes a trial assembly of all components and assemblies.

Then he took it apart and painted to prevent corrosion.

And the last step again brings everything together into a single design.

Our author’s lawn mower is ready, and he didn’t spend a dime on materials for assembling the mower.
Lawn mower in operation:
[media = https: //youtu.be/3B0_sl3xtec]