Every self-respecting man, be he a fisherman, a hunter, summer resident He dreams of having a smokehouse of hot or cold smoking in his arsenal.
Cooking in nature or on your own site is a thousand times more useful and enjoyable than buying in a store it is unclear how smoked products meat, lard or fish. There are a lot of all kinds of smoked meats on the shelves of our time, but most of them are prepared using liquid smoke, which significantly reduces the cost of the production process and shortens the time of smoking due to this chemical composition. This can also negatively affect health. The manufacturer seeks benefits only for himself so that the product can be quickly produced and then stored in the warehouse as long as possible.
But people are not fools and they understand everything perfectly, it is better to make your own smokehouse and smoke products yourself, observing the technological process of cooking. So the author came up with the idea to make a cold smoked smokehouse with his own hands and subsequently smoke fish, lard, meat himself and not buy these products of dubious quality.
Building a cold smoked smokehouse is not an easy task, but feasible subject to all the rules of this construction. From the name itself, it is clear that smoke must be cold, or more precisely no more than 37 degrees.
What this design is all about - they usually do it this way: the smoking chamber is at a level above the firebox, and the length of the chimney should be at least 2 meters - this is necessary so that the smoke cools until it reaches the smoking chamber. And so now we will consider what the author needed to build a cold smoked smokehouse.
Materials: brick, refractory pipe, stove door, boards, roofing iron, clay mortar.
Instruments: trowel, mallet, shovel, hammer, hacksaw.
And so first, the author makes a small drawing, a sketch for clarity and clarification of the principle of action.

The author chose a place on the slope of a small mound and proceeded to dig holes. I dug the first for the firebox.

The second for the smoking chamber.

Then he dug a connecting trench for the chimney.

He laid a chimney for a chimney in a trench.

And he set about laying a firebox made of brick.

The author made a cast-iron door to the furnace.

Then he made a brick entrance to the smoking chamber.

And checked the cravings.

Next, proceeds to the manufacture of a smoking chamber.

That's essentially all, the author completed his difficult task and built a cold smoked smokehouse, now the hero will always be provided with high-quality smoked products. And our foodie is eager to test his creation in action.