Nowadays there is a bathhouse in the country house or in the garden. This miracle is healing and beneficial to the body, which has come down to us from the depths of centuries and is the inheritance of our ancestors. Not one other bathhouse or sauna can compare with the Russian bathhouse. The Russian bath has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages not in the bath itself, of course, but in its operation, more precisely in the use of sewage. Often, in the old models of bath houses, there was simply no sewage and water flowed into the cracks between the boards in the floor, and then into the soil.
Needless to say, this whole thing then oozed moisture and damp for a long time. It is not uncommon for owners of saunas to have to disassemble the floor in the steam room and subsequently dry the boards, or simply keep the door open until the next time, so that it will air and dry. In the bath, there is already increased humidity, and even if there is damp coming from under the floor, the structure will quickly become worthless.
Also, during the operation of baths without sewage, the owners, for example, at 10 years old, change the lower crown of the log house. Some bath attendants trick and make the lower crown of hardwoods such as oak.
In order for the bathhouse to serve the owners for a long time, it is necessary to make a sewer. Today there is a huge selection of sewer systems, septic tanks of all designs and sizes for houses and baths. But these septic tanks sometimes cost little money and can not afford simple to the summer resident. What to do to a simple person and how to protect the bathhouse from dampness and moisture? As always, you need to look for a solution and think with your head. So the author puzzled and came to the decision to make a sewer with his own hands and save money on the family budget.
He took for the idea the principle of operation of an ordinary septic tank. The septic tank is arranged as follows - two reservoirs interconnected in the upper part, when the first reservoir is filled, it begins to flow into another reservoir that performs the function of drainage. The author took information and drawings from the Internet, thought up and completed it for himself. And so, what will the author need to fulfill his idea?
Materials: two plastic barrels, cement mortar, boards, gravel, polystyrene foam, sewer pipes.
Instruments: shovel, hammer, ax, hacksaw.
And so the first thing the author considered the scheme for further construction.
Then he dug a hole under a makeshift septic tank, removed a sewer pipe from the bathhouse and connected it to the tank. He made a lid on top. In the upper part, the author made such a formwork.Next, the author made a cover for his sewer
The author also envisioned a winter onset of cold weather by making such a foam insulation.