For all these joys of country life, of course, firewood is required. Firewood in the country can be picked up and sawed a lot of dry branches from old apple trees, some old boards, which is a pity to throw away, but they will just go for firewood. It’s understandable with firewood, but when they accumulate, the question arises of where to put them and how to store them so that they don’t get in the way and get wet in the rain. Of course, for this purpose, you need to build a woodcutter and avoid problems with the storage and drying of firewood.
Particularly similar construction is needed by summer residents, on the site of which there is a bathhouse. Dry wood is needed for the firebox of the sauna stove, as much heat as possible from the burning of logs, and if heated with raw firewood, this will be just one torment and it’s easy to get burned.
The author came to the conclusion for several years of his summer residence that a compartment for storing and drying firewood is very necessary on his site because he has a bathhouse and a barbecue for use. And having collected the material and the tool, he set about building a firewood storage. What will our master need to complete this task.
Materials: board, timber, tile, nails, screws, bolts, nuts, washers.
Instruments: hacksaw, drill, screwdriver, hammer, pliers.
And so, first of all, the author gives a visual picture of the future design.

Next, it cuts the rails for collection after the grates

The lower bars on which the floor will be mounted raises and tightens the screws.

Then he makes side racks and fastens the floorboards. Please note: with a gap, this is used for ventilation.

Then he proceeds to the assembly of the roof.

And the final stage of construction is the roof, he still has several pieces of metal tiles, and here they came in handy.

That's all, the author did an excellent job of his task, and now he will always have dry firewood for the bathhouse and for the stove.