Each summer resident tries to ensure that his cottage was not only suitable for working in the beds, but also for good rest. Nowadays, summer residents on their six hundred square meters manage to patch up their land with all kinds of figures and other compositions so that sometimes it is not a country house, but a fabulous house of the gnomes in a dense forest. But this kind of decor does not carry such a function as rest in the physical sense, and all these bells and whistles cost money.
Today, more and more things are made of plastic and other non-natural materials - it is certainly beautiful and pleasing to the eye, but for the soul it is mortal boredom. For spiritual joy you need natural materials such as wood, stone, that is, natural materials of nature.
The author decided to fill his life with creative meaning and make something from a natural tree for giving. After thinking about what was missing in his personal plot, I came to the conclusion that a garden bench for relaxation is very necessary. He began to search for material for his idea and remembered that he had recently cut down an old tree in the garden and had not yet sawed and burned it. I decided what I would do and improvise in the course of the upcoming work, since here I need a creative approach, drawings and rulers are inappropriate here.
All the author is going to do by eye. And so what will the author need for his creative work on creating a bench.
Materials: old driftwood, corners, screws.
Instruments: hacksaw, hammer, screwdriver, ax.
And so the first thing the author selects material for his work.

Then it cuts off everything unnecessary.

Makes the base by twisting the corners with screws.

Then the back.

He came up with and made such an arrangement of legs.

Then twists it all together.

And as a result of his creative work, he got such a wonderful and most importantly unique bench of its kind, which only he has on his personal plot. And in the future it will delight him and guests with his own look and charge with positive energy and inspire future creative exploits.