Nowadays, it is becoming more and more fashionable among summer residents and owners of country houses to make all kinds of suspended vertical high beds, which accordingly saves valuable space on the site, especially on 6 or 4 acres. All these fashion trends came to us, of course, from Europe, people there are very pedantic and relate to everything, they are very careful and try to save everything, unlike us, well, what’s our mentality.
In some European countries, even in cities on the roofs of high-rise buildings, they build greenhouses and make beds, and most importantly, everything grows great, there is even a restaurant where all the vegetables on the menu were grown on the roof of the building. Very interesting people live there. So our people are trying to imitate the Europeans and adopt country inventions from them.
The author decided to adopt and try to arrange a high garden at his summer cottage. This type of beds can be arranged along fences or near a country house where a regular garden bed would be darkened and lacking light and even such factors in a high garden there is a drainage system that will have a very beneficial effect on further plant growth, you can also put a high garden in a high garden a decent amount of compost and fallen leaves or manure, in general, this type of garden can be saturated with all the vital components of the components for the intensive growth of vegetables or greens.
What is a high bed - this is a box knocked out of boards with a gap of about 10 cm, inside the box everything is sheathed with the material from which banner ads are made, or similar material that can pass air, they are encircled with a fine-mesh mesh for counteraction to all kinds of rodents and other pests. Inside, drainage is made from gravel backfill and old branches from fruit trees. That's essentially the whole principle of this garden. Now let us consider in detail how the author built his garden and what he needed for this.
Materials: boards, bars, material from a banner or similar material to let air in, fine-mesh, branches from an old tree, pine bark.
Instruments: shovel, hammer, hacksaw, ax, pliers.
And so, first of all, it prepares a place for the future structure, removes the fertile soil layer along with the turf and puts it together, since in the future it will be needed to fill the box in its lower part.

Then he laid down this material and proceeded to erect the box, digging bars around the perimeter of the future box, and began to erect the walls. Pay attention to the distance between the boards about 10 cm, as agreed - this was done by the author to penetrate air into the soil of a high bed.

And later he completed the box, where he made the end walls deaf.

Then he makes antibacterial impregnation of this wood using "protein".

And the last stage for the tradition of an unusual look was made around the box with pine bark, such a fabulous chest turned out.

The author coped with the task, and now he has a high-yielding high bed made on his summer cottage do it yourself. And thanks to imagination, the box acquired a unique fabulous look.
N. a, Moscow
House No. 5-2015