The creation of the project began in February 2015. First robot the line of "Antei" was "Domovenok" - a robot brush. Later appeared "Antei 1".
The Anteya platform is a case equipped with a controller Arduino Uno, sensors and instruments for various functions. Antei can also become a vacuum cleaner, a household combine, a watchman robot, etc.
But the main feature of Antey is the detachment of "ants" that move Antey.
The principle of operation of our complex was taken from nature itself. Each so-called ant can move independently, but is also capable of performing collective work. At the same time, they are able to not only lift the load much heavier than their weight, but also know how to move together incredibly large loads for them.
Each of our ant is equipped with a vibration motor. This is a fairly unexplored form of propulsion. Its advantages are obvious. Firstly, this type of propulsion is more economical in energy consumption. Secondly, it is compact unlike other types of motors, but it gives decent performance.
We found out that each "ant" with a weight of 8 grams. can drag 89g., which indicates that he is able to carry weight 11 times his own.
Since the creation of Antei, there has been a question about the number of vibration motors, how they are located on the platform of the robot, and from what the legs of ants (a toothbrush or rubber legs) should be made. Many options have been tried.

But it was decided to establish 2 rows of 3-4 ants on rubber legs on each side of the platform, while they must be in rigid coupling with each other.

In this embodiment, a confident forward movement is achieved, and when certain engines are turned off, they turn to the side.
Our Antey