Each summer resident Nowadays, it dreams of having a good capital greenhouse in its summer cottage from a new one, which is increasingly gaining popularity among summer residents and owners of country houses, a material called polycarbonate. This type of material has a number of significant advantages over its predecessors in greenhouse and greenhouse construction such as glass and plastic film.
Polycarbonate has a good specific strength with respect to glass and you should not be afraid that the greenhouse will be beaten by wind or hail, but about plastic film and conversation it needs to be briefly changed every season. Polycarbonate also has cells with layers of air in its structure, as you know, air is the best insulation, which means this material will not allow cold air from the street side of the building.
Owners of summer cottages also respect this material for its lightness and considerable flexibility, which simplifies the process of building a greenhouse or greenhouse, unlike glass, you can also cut along the fibers with a sharp knife or cutter, that is, you do not need to use any special tools.
How much torment was there before when glazing a greenhouse with glass, and now everything is simple and convenient for two times. The author, guided by the experience of past years, decided to build a polycarbonate greenhouse on his summer cottage do it yourself so, how to buy this building in the store will cost a pretty penny, and the author wants to save the family budget and not have to resort to unnecessary costs. I bought only polycarbonate, and he already had bars and boards after the recent construction. After some deliberation, he began to build a polycarbonate greenhouse with his own hands. And so now let's take a closer look at what the author needed to build this object.
Materials: polycarbonate, boards, whetstones, asbestos-cement pipes, screws.
Instruments: hacksaw, screwdriver, hammer, ax, knife, shovel, level.
First of all, he clears the place for future construction and takes measurements.
A grinder sawed a pipe and dug around the perimeter of the future greenhouse, so that the posts would later be inserted into the pipes and thereby protect the wood from decay.
Starts the construction of the frame of the future greenhouse.
When the frame was ready, he set about cutting polycarbonate.
And then he makes the glazing of his greenhouse.
That's all the polycarbonate greenhouse built by the author is very pleased with his construction and the money saved.

And in the greenhouse, delicious and crispy cucumbers have already grown and are beneficial to health.