With the advent of the harvest season, each summer resident raises the question of how and where to keep his crop for the first time, before the entire crop is placed in the cellar, or other storage.
Many summer residents they store the harvest directly in country houses, or sheds directly on the floor, which is not a good thing from the point of view of hygiene.
Keeping the harvested crop right on the floor, the fruits ride all over the area, and take up quite a lot of space which is sorely lacking in our dachas.
Many summer residents come out of this situation by collecting crops in buckets and baskets, and some drawers of which sometimes are still lacking. And there is a lot of harvest and I want to save everything, and lose as little as possible.
The author was puzzled by such an idea, because every autumn at his summer cottage area there is a very large harvest of apples, and a temporary storage is needed at the time of fruit collection.
He poked his brains over and came to the decision to make a kind of half-box, which can be put to the corner of the wall, for example, and in the aggregate you get a box, and material is saved. Saving in a country house is very good.
And since the box principle is so simple, our designer made a collapsible corner out of a board and a bar, which, when placed against a corner, is a full rectangle, or a box with two walls saved.
Now let us consider in detail how the author assembled this construction and what he needed for this.
Materials: board 30 mm, whetstone 40 mm, wing nut, bolt.
Instruments: electric jigsaw, screwdriver, drill, chisel, corner, tape measure.
Here the author gives a photo of his tool used at work.

And so first, with a jigsaw, he cuts out such a bar.

Then the author makes a hole in the bar.

Then he drills holes for fastening the bar.

Then screws the board to the bar with screws.

I inserted a bolt with a wing nut into the hole made in the bar, this will be the mechanism for fixing the box.

At the end of the board it makes a cut equal to the diameter of the bolt in width, and the length of the cut is the distance from the bolt to the edge of the board.

In the future, he collects the design in one.

Fastens by twisting the lamb.

That's essentially the complexity of this design, everything turned out to be very easy and simple.

The author has collected his box, and now he has a place for temporary storage of his harvest.