Each summer resident has a greenhouse, a greenhouse on his plot, or he dreams of building this building. Building a capital greenhouse is expensive and very troublesome, of course it is worth it, but when there are not enough financial resources and physical forces, you have to look for other solutions to this problem.
Many summer residents and owners of country houses often build greenhouses from improvised materials on their own, because buying a ready-made greenhouse in a store is sometimes very expensive, and the main rule for a summer resident is saving, and again saving.
In general, summer residents make their buildings from wood, because it is easily amenable to any type of processing, and in itself has a small specific gravity.
With the development of world progress, more and more new materials come to replace the old ones, and have the lightness of their weight, strength, reliability, durability, and quite a normal price for an ordinary summer resident, which allows you to use these materials in the construction of summer houses.
The author decided, if building a greenhouse, from new well-known materials that have recently been wildly popular among gardeners. These materials include PVC plastic water pipes, and plastic film. Ideal materials for building a greenhouse, or a greenhouse in a short time, with minimal financial costs, as well as not really straining physically. This type of material is well suited for retirees with their small budget, and for everyone who wants to, in a short time, and without any special financial costs, build a greenhouse or a hotbed at their summer cottage.
So what kind of a greenhouse was the author planning to build on his site, but nothing special, our summer resident bought PVC pipes and plastic film for his construction. From the plastic water pipes, the author made an excellent frame of the greenhouse, which he subsequently covered with plastic wrap, which is essentially the whole structure.
Now let's take a closer look at what he needed to build his greenhouse out of modern materials, and how he carried out construction work.
Materials: 20 mm PVC water pipes, plastic film, 30 mm board, wire, fittings, screws, staples, glue, wire anchors.
Instruments: hacksaw, screwdriver, hammer, clerical knife, pliers.
First of all, he makes the end walls of the future greenhouse.

And so in the photo you can see made the back and front wall.

Then it tightens with a plastic film the walls of the greenhouse.

Further, on the prepared site, the author drives in metal pipes for subsequent fastening to them of the end walls of the future greenhouse.

The prepared walls are attached to the pipes with wire anchors.

Then it drives the reinforcement into the ground at a distance from each other, for the subsequent insertion of a plastic pipe into it.

Then, from one end, he puts the pipe on the reinforcement, and bends the arc of the future greenhouse.

Then he makes longitudinal struts along the entire length of the greenhouse.

Next, cross to cross makes struts of wire.

And in the future it makes the greenhouse frame tight-fitting with plastic wrap.

And the final step was the installation of boxes for the soil, and backfilling them with earth, which the author did very well.

So the greenhouse is made of modern materials, which is very pleasing to the summer resident, with a minimum of money spent, and physical labor, he now has such a cool greenhouse on his site.