Flashlights, players, mobile phones have become an integral part in the equipment of tourists. But this is bad luck - the battery capacity is not unlimited, and in a multi-day trip, save - do not save, and the batteries will gradually discharge. But you can take a camp power station with you. Its weight is so small and a place in backpacks will be found that it is not worth focusing on this. Practically, any microelectric motors of direct current from electrified toys, cassette recorders can serve as the electric generator of the power station, and the wind is a free source of energy.
The principle of operation of the power plant:
The generator with a propeller (propeller) is mounted on a pole. A wire extends from the generator to the switch. The screw automatically follows the wind using a weather vane. If there is a PD-3 micromotor, then the power plant will come out very powerful. The wind rotates the screw that rotates the generator. The generator generates current, which, through the switch, charges the batteries of a cell phone, player or lights up the LEDs illuminating the tent.
The blades of the screw are bent from a springy steel wire with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 mm and wrapped in aluminum foil. The ends of the wires are fixed in the tube, in the drilled holes. The angles of inclination of the blades - 30 degrees.

The winds are often capricious, changing direction, therefore we need a weather vane. In a 250 mm long board, a groove is cut out to the size of a microelectric motor. The electric motor is fixed in the groove with wire. Very close to the electric motor, a hole is drilled to connect the weather vane with a pole using a nail.

The power station is ready. LEDs glow quite brightly even in light winds.

In this design model, the PD-3 microelectric motor is used. It is capable of generating voltages up to 9 V - even a transistor radio can be powered, and its stator is cylindrical in shape, it is convenient to mount.
This video contains information for consideration.