Hello dear users of this resource. Spring has come. More and more people from cities travel closer to nature and clean, fresh air. cottages. For most people, a summer residence is not only a vacation, but also an opportunity to produce something to help you. To grow a variety of fruits and vegetables at your summer cottage, so as not to buy them exorbitantly in stores, to breed some kind of animal to provide yourself with meat. And if you decide to breed a small number of chickens in your summer cottage, then also eggs. It is about chickens that will be discussed in this article. That is, about the construction of their habitat, which you can build yourself, about the chicken coop in the form of a house, for a small livestock of hens.
In principle, if you make the necessary calculations, i.e. if up to three chickens can be placed per 1 sq / m, then increasing the size by the number of birds in your livestock, you can easily make a fairly bulky chicken coop. There is nothing complicated about it. In the presence of the necessary material, as well as minimal ownership of tools, you can easily make this construction. Moreover, the author of this idea provided drawings, according to which he collected his chicken coop. So, let's begin.
To begin with, the drawings prepared by the author:

This is how the construction looks like a construction plan.
To start are building frame of the future chicken coop. As I already said, choose the sizes yourself, based on the number of your livestock. Each wall is assembled separately. For the frame, we need a beam. From it we begin to collect the walls.

When assembling the frame, it is necessary to leave space for installing windows and a box where the hens will be carried.
After you have assembled all four sides of the frame, you need to fasten them together. Assembly takes place using nails, i.e. you simply knock down the walls with nails to each other. After that, make sure that there are no distortions. To do this, measure the sides of the tape measure diagonally. If the length on both sides is the same, then the sides are connected evenly.
Now that you have collected the box of the chicken coop, you can proceed with the assembly of the roof.According to the author, a gable roof contributes to the conservation of heat. The roof consists of rafters and lathing. The triangular blank is assembled, the basis of the future roof and is mounted on a frame-box.

After installing the roof, we begin to sheathe the house. For this, the author used the OSB plate. It is convenient to work with and it also contributes to the conservation of heat. Inside the chicken coop, the author insulates the walls with mineral wool, on top of which he puts a vapor barrier film. After sheathes the walls from the inside with plywood.

Further, the author proceeded to cladding the outer walls. He covered OSB boards with a glassine, and then sheathed a lining. To prevent decay of the tree, it covered everything with an antiseptic.

Then we make the floor. The author advises against making it more than five cm thick. This is enough, because there will also be litter on the floor. Hay, straw. Do not forget that you need to leave a rectangular hole in the floor through which the chickens will go out onto the street along an inclined staircase. Inside, you need to install perches so that chickens can sit on it. After all these actions are done, proceed to cover the roof. To do this, you can use everything that is acceptable - slate, tile and so on.

Further in the front of the chicken coop we make a ventilation hole.

The result is a comfortable chicken coop. The last action is its installation on the bars fastened together. Install stands at a height of about half a meter.

That's all! A convenient and practical chicken coop for a small livestock of chickens is ready!