At the moment, the construction market is full of all kinds of building materials, there is everything your heart desires, from materials familiar to the average person, as well as the latest ones still little-known with the use of nanotechnology.
All these building materials are certainly good, but their price for a certain amount sometimes scares the buyer.
Naturally, every person wants to have their own personal house, or a house in their summer cottage, but desires do not always coincide with the opportunity, many will say such a life, and everyone will agree, but not the author, who is used to looking for alternative solutions to the circumstances in all situations.
So with the construction of a country house, he decided not to resort to the help of professionals, and to build do it yourself.
In addition, the building material also decided not to purchase, but to build country house of pallets. Pallets nowadays are very popular among people with good imagination. What the visionaries do not do from this material, and furniture, fences, beds, and a lot of interesting things.
The author, gifted with imagination since childhood, made a project to build a country house from pallets. Then he collected material, friends and acquaintances helped a bit with the search, in general, they gathered it all over the world. At the end of the collection of material, he began building his unusual house.
He does not take pallets into boards, but builds it in such a way that simplifies the process of building this structure.
So now we’ll take a closer look at how I performed work on building country house, and what he needed for this.
Materials: pallets, polycarbonate, nails, screws.
Instruments: hacksaw, hammer, screwdriver.
The author proceeds with the assembly of the house.

As you can see in the photo, he simply puts the pallet on the pallet and screwed it together. Further continues in the same vein.

Then proceeds to the interior decoration and the creation of the interior.

The author covered the roof with polycarbonate, as he considered that there should be more light in the house.

That's essentially the whole complexity of building this house with your own hands.
The author is very pleased with his structure, and most importantly, he did not spend a dime on building materials and professionals for the construction of a country house.