Materials and tools for tuning:
The set of materials depends on which backlight scheme the master chooses for himself. This may be the use of individual LEDs, organic glass and other elements. In any case, you need wiring, a soldering iron with solder.
Another tool will require a hacksaw or other suitable cutting tool, drill, screwdriver, etc.

We highlight the damper scale with individual LEDs:
Step one. Install the LEDs
In order to install the LEDs, you need to take a soldering iron and use it to make a hole on the right side. In order for the diode to be securely fixed, on the other hand, you need to solder a piece of plastic. As for the technical characteristics of the LEDs, their diameter is 3 mm, and they are designed to work from a source of 12 volts without a resistor.
On the left side of the scale you need to position the second LED, it should be on the same level with the first.
Step Two Painting
In the second step, the author paints the bar with a corrector.
Step Three We connect the backlight
When connecting the backlight, you need to pull the wire so that the LED does not hang. That's all, the backlight is ready. It turned out to be uniform and quite pleasant, in the dark it does not blind.
Another author named Illuzion proposed this option for highlighting.

The LED heads need to be cut a bit. After that, the light will become more even. All in all, four LEDs of 3 mm each went to the scale, which can be seen in the photo.
The third version of the backlight in the photo
How to highlight an old-style stove scale
For this homemade You will need diodes in three colors with a diameter of 5 mm. First you need to remove the bar into which the cartridge with a light bulb is inserted. The bar is held on two screws. Next, you need to get the diffusing glass.

Three holes need to be drilled in the bar, the diameter is equal to the diameter of the diodes. Then a file is taken, and the ends of the diodes are ground. Then the diodes are connected in parallel and soldered to the cartridge.Diodes must be installed so that they do not rest against glass. Super glue is used to fix the diodes.

First, the ends of the diodes need to be bent. They should not rest against the sealing gum. The author everything fell into place perfectly. As a result, we got such a traffic light.
LED strip backlight option

Using plexiglass to highlight the scale
To make the backlight of the scale 100% uniform, you need to direct the light of the LEDs to the end of the plexiglass. The author sharpened glass at an angle of 45 degrees along the entire length. How to make contacts can be seen in the photo. The price of such a decision was only 45 rubles.
You can also make the glow even with the help of foil. A foil is glued to the back of the glass, then it needs to be rinsed, and light will be reflected from each uneven surface of the foil and fall on the scale. This technology is used by the Chinese when highlighting all the clock scales with a single LED.

Highlight the flap position lever
In order to make the lever backlight, you need to take a clerical knife and cut through the rubber adjuster. Next, you need to drill a hole for the diode with a diameter of 3 mm. Then a piece of plexiglass is taken and a boomerang is cut out of it. This element must be glued to the lever. After that, the LED is taken, installed in the hole and soldered.

In order to make a bet, the author used a box of disks. To place a large diode (5 mm) inside, it was turned. So that the diode does not shine too brightly, it is connected through a resistance of 47 kOhm. You can use a larger resistance value. Now in the dark there will be no problems with the adjustment of the stove.

Homemade Conclusion
The article outlined those basic approaches that are used when highlighting the control system of the stove. The process itself does not require special skills and takes a couple of hours. You just need to choose the best option for yourself.
No need to put too bright LEDs, otherwise the light will dazzle. The backlight should not annoy and distract the driver. The color of the LEDs can also be chosen to your taste.

In the photo you can see what happens if you use too bright backlight. Ideally, the backlight should be in harmony with the main backlight in brightness.
To adjust the brightness of the LEDs, you need to select resistors of the corresponding rating. In the same way, you can do backlighting in almost any auto.