Basically, such simplest constructions are built by summer residents on their own from used material, because the construction is secondary and does not require the beauty of an aesthetic appearance. Also independent construction saves money on the family budget, because in this case, professional builders are not needed.
The primary material for the construction of sheds is wood, board, timber, plywood. This type of material is easy to process and does not require professional skills in construction, the main thing is that a person who wants to create this building can correctly hold the tool in his hands.
The author, who decided to build on his personal plot a small shed for storing tools and small carpentry and locksmith work, to make himself a small men's office for the abduction of the soul))).
When constructing this building, a frame is first created, it is best to make it from a metal corner or a square pipe, this type of base will not decay under the influence of humidity of the earth and will serve its owner for a very long time. Next, a skeleton and a crate are created from the bars, then it is finished with lining and plywood, the roof is installed, the interior is finished.
What did he need for this.
Materials: board, timber, metal square pipe, plywood, roofing felt, lining.
Instruments: hacksaw, shovel, screwdriver, hammer, knife, mortar tank.
And so, first of all, the author prepares a plot for the construction of a shed, having previously cleared it.

Then he prepared the material so that everything was at hand.

And begins to install metal poles.

Pits with installed columns are poured with cement mortar.

Digs a hole for the next column.

And following this sequence, establishes the subsequent bearing support.

The base is ready, then the assembly of the structure and the battens of the future barn are directly performed.

Then he proceeds to decorating the walls with clapboard, around the entire perimeter of this building.

Then our hero proceeds to the roofing works, a layer of roofing material laid on the skate laid with plywood, and nailed with galvanized nails specifically for roofing.

I inserted a window so that it was light and comfortable in the shed.

And at the end of construction, he places the tool and puts everything on the shelves. The author is very pleased with his construction, now he has a place for his small carpentry workshop where he can safely do his work.