To date, there are already few such people who would not have a smokehouse in their households. Mostly hot smoked, because this type is easier to manufacture than a cold smoked smokehouse, and the process takes from half an hour to several hours, it all depends on the temperature and the loaded product for smoking.
The material for the manufacture of smokehouses is also diverse, mainly used blister metal, or stainless steel but it is expensive, and to weld it requires special welding which is also not cheap, it is easier to make from simple metal. Some people build complex stoves at their dachas, where there is all a smokehouse, a barbecue, a bread oven, and much more, but such beauty is beyond the reach of an ordinary person. All of this is known today, but recently a newer installation for our country has appeared smoked, and called "smoker barbecue." An interesting name is the name, if you say in Russian, is a barbecue smokehouse, two in one, so to speak.
The author found out about this installation from the Internet, and was eager to create the same for himself. What is this smokehouse, and it consists of a smoking chamber, has several levels, the first level is made of metal and refractory brick, where coal should be laid. Level 2 consists of a tray with water, which also plays the role of both a moisturizer and the collection of dripping fat. Level 3 - already the working surface for the products, that is, a barbecue grill. In this installation, a double smoking process takes place, which is quite interesting for smoked product lovers.
Materials: wooden wine barrel, thermometer, faceted screws, refractory brick, metal grill, corners, round water tank, adhesive tape.
Instruments: drill, screwdriver, hammer, jigsaw, grinder.
And so, first, the author takes a barrel, and puts it in a place where it will carry out subsequent work.

Then the surface of the barrel is polished.
A hole is drilled at the bottom.

He makes a marking with duct tape, uses this method so as not to draw with a pencil an already prepared surface.

And all the hoops are screwed to the barrel with self-tapping screws with a faceted head, this is necessary so that when cutting the barrel remains intact, and does not fall apart.

Then, according to the specified marking, it cuts the barrel, thereby creating a lid.

Levels the edges of the barrel.

Refractory brick is laid out on the lower part, above it it is fastened from the corners to install a container of water and at the very top sets the working surface of the barbecue.
Further, the installation is covered with a stain to give it a noble and aesthetic appearance, as well as a thermometer and plugs were inserted into the holes.

Plugs were also made for the lid and a handle was screwed on to make it easier to lift the lid during smoking.

For ease of transportation, the installation was put on wheels from an office chair.

Having assembled the installation, the author immediately began to test it, and this is what he did.

But the meat is in the context.

Now he has such an interesting smokehouse from a barrel on casters. On weekends, many friends and relatives gather at the dacha to relax, cook kebabs, and now they will smoke, in general it is exciting to spend weekends and holidays.