A gabion barbecue is a three-dimensional structure, the frame of which is made of mesh, reinforcement or metal rods. Fillers are a variety of stones, pebbles, gravel. The main rule - the filler should be 25-40% larger than the cell frame. The main purpose of gabions is to strengthen riverbeds, ponds, strengthen roadsides, as well as use them for design purposes, garden landscapes and much more. Simplicity of manufacture gives a huge scope for imagination.
In this article I want to tell you how to build a barbecue on my summer cottage or garden. A fairly lightweight construction that does not require special skills in its manufacture.
So, as you understand, the main material is a grid and a filler, a variety of stones or gravel.
The author of this barbecue on gabions began with the preparation of its components. A plywood sheet is taken, thicker and a circle of the diameter you need is drawn on it. If you don’t have a compass, then you can draw a circle as he did. This is part of a future barbecue shelf. Next, a hole is drilled in a circle to conveniently be cut with a jigsaw.

The edges of the circle are sanded with an emery cloth to prevent splintering.

Next, a workpiece of exactly the same size is taken, superimposed on the first, which with a hole and both are fastened with self-tapping screws.

Saw off the bar of the desired size. The ends of the plywood for which these bars are intended are coated with glue. Further, the bars, also using screws, are attached to the plywood. All detail is painted in the color you like.

Now fastens the door to this part.

Since the plywood parts will lie on the gabion mesh, it is necessary to adjust the dimensions and nets and plywood so that they are the same. We connect the grid and plywood with the help of small bars. This is for better grip, stoba plywood did not "crawl" on the grid.

Starts assembling the gabions themselves. He makes towers from a grid, which he sets according to the level, so that in general the whole composition looks pretty enough and there are no distortions in the structure. Since the oven will be installed on gabions, then even a slight slope is not needed.The author fastens the edges of the turrets with each other with a special wire, which is twisted in the form of a spiral. Although you can just neatly tie the edges with ordinary wire.

After that, it begins to fill the space with stones.

Remember to insert your plywood parts of the future composition. They also need to be aligned.

When filling the space with stones, do not forget to put screeds. They are necessary so that the stone does not "burst" the wire base.

When the turrets are filled with stones, plywood parts are installed on top, which act as tables.

Now a gas cylinder is installed inside, which is connected to a barbecue oven. The cylinder is hiding in a niche with a door.

That's all. On the site, the same amazing thing may appear that does not require large expenses. The author provided drawings. Although they are in a foreign language, but you can understand.

And the finished result!