If you have a large family, or often guests come to you, then often a problem arises - how and where to seat everyone at the table. You have to drag a bunch of chairs, clutter up the aisles to the table, which is quite inconvenient. Once again, you will not leave the table. Therefore, the author decided to make in his kitchen do it yourself a bench that stands along the walls and has a U-shape.

That's what the author had at the time of the decision. A small room, a table, which can accommodate only six people. If you deliver chairs, it will be quite crowded and uncomfortable to sit at the table.
The old furniture, the room is cleaned and prepared.

There will subsequently be a soft, comfortable and roomy bench.
Before starting work, all necessary work is performed: measurement, preparation of parts, and so on. For the basics, the author chose desks, which he launched along the perimeter of the wall, where he decided to place a bench.

Boards are fastened onto horizontal wall rails, on which plywood will be fastened, or whatever you decide to cover your bench with. Further, a similar procedure is performed around the perimeter. This is what happens when the author finished with the frame of his design.

Further, the author uses plywood as the basis of the seats. Foam is laid on it for softness and convenience. For the upholstery, a waterproof fabric was used, which was attached to the plywood using a construction stapler.

As a result, the result of the activity is visible.

Now you need to close the space at the bottom of the benches, the supporting structure. Plywood is also used. A hole is cut out in one of the plywood and a hood is installed in it, which covers all the bumps and sloppiness of the cut hole.

Further, plywood is installed and fastened around the entire perimeter of the structure.

The finish of the lower and upper part of the bench is done.

Plywood can not be fixed to the structure rigidly, but by attaching hinges, get convenient cabinets for storing various trifles necessary in the household. A table is set.

The result was a fairly spacious dining room in which, according to the master, up to 15 people can comfortably fit!