Hello, dear guests and users of the site.
Each housewife tries to optimize the kitchen space to her taste and discretion, tries to make sure that all the useful kitchen utensils are in place, at hand and they have the most convenient access so that at any moment you can take what is required, and not search by different drawers.
Today, many housewives prefer the so-called open shelves. They are especially good for small kitchens, as they save space due to the lack of doors. Shelves come in a variety of materials - wood, plastic, glass and more. Especially very popular are wooden shelves, which are the oldest of such products. Still distant ancestors used them to store diverse home utensils.
Nowadays, they can be found in a large assortment in many stores. But why buy, give a lot of money when you can make it yourself, spending a lot less money on it. That is exactly what the author of this topic did. Having bought a board in a store that I specially selected unprocessed and with cracks and from it and made a shelf, no worse than a store one. The author opted for chestnut, but you can take such a tree species that you find more attractive. Board length - 155 cm.

After the manipulations, epoxy resin and luminescent paint are taken. The resin is mixed and paint is added to the resulting mixture.

All cracks that are on the board are filled with the mixture of resin and luminescent paint.

After the filler dries (this takes several days), the insulation tape is removed.

The board is again polished, unevenness and excess epoxy are removed.

Since the shelf is subsequently used, it is quite possible that it will come into contact with food, covers it with linseed oil.According to him, up to 8 layers are applied.

Next, the board is cut into the desired number of shelves, or leave it as it is. The ends are also ground after cutting.

Brackets are mounted on the wall. Shelves are attached to them.

The result is an interesting shelf glowing in the dark for food, or for various kitchen utensils.

I wish all interested in good luck in the manufacture.