Billiards is an ancient enough game, the origins of which are now very difficult to find out. Therefore, this is why there are so many myths and legends around this game. Initially, flat surfaces of any flat place were used to play billiards. They even played on the earth, densely tamped to stone hardness. This is due to the fact that at first they played it with batons, or with special hammers. Much later, when the game changed so much from its original form, the first rules were invented. They began to play on tables that were specially made for this and were very expensive. The first pool tables were not technically perfect. Balls rolled poorly on the surface, did not bounce off the walls, and much more. Later, when the game gained popularity throughout Europe, the tables were improved.
Today, as an example of an author’s master class, I want to tell you how you can make a table for playing billiards on your own, without spending much. At least, it will cost much more profitable and cheaper than buying ready-made. First you need to take into account the dimensions of your room or the room where it will be with you. The table below shows the dimensions of the playing field and the room. Given these sizes, you can make the table you need for your size.

For work, you need such components as:
beam for legs, screws, drill, pliers, varnish, putty, cloth, rubber for edging boards, chipboard sheet for countertops, metal staples for pockets, or ready-made ones, mesh, saw, pencil, tape measure and other tools.
To begin with, the game surface for the table is made of chipboard sheet. Below is a diagram, and dimensions. Next, the substrate is cut onto the countertop.
Planks are made. Dimensions:
1295 x 310 mm - 2 pcs.; 935 x 310 mm - 2 pcs.; 1793 x 180 mm - 2 pcs.; 2413 x 180 mm - 2 pcs.
They are glued together in pairs, of the same width, thus, as shown in the photo. Glue can be used also special on wood, or. For strength, you can screw a couple of small screws.

In the resulting part, pockets for balls are cut out.

The next stage is the manufacture of table sides. Initially, the author cut them out of cardboard and tried on coincidences around the entire perimeter of the table, and began to make whole pieces of wood. Without a bitch or any damage.

After that, table supports are made. Of two boards 100 x 40 x 750 mm, a core with a cross section of 80 x 80 mm is glued. Boards are glued onto it. 50 mm thick. The size of the finished support is 170 x 170 x 270 mm. After that, adjustable legs are installed on the legs - a flange with a nut. This mount is covered with a decorative casing, which should be in harmony with the overall color scheme of the table.

Now, for the assembly of the table, the drawers are made. They are also made from a single piece of wood. Mounted with furniture dowels. They are not regulated, since they are fixed tightly, so be careful not to redo them.

We fix the substrate.

After you check everything and are satisfied with the result, you can fasten all the bolts, install the game board, sides and fasten holes for the pockets.

Glue rubber to the sides so that the ball ricochets well. After drying, remove bumps. Putty we process all roughnesses and roughnesses. Paint the structure with varnish in 3-4 layers.

Now we tighten the playing surface with a cloth and fasten it with a stapler to the substrate. The sides are also covered with fabric. Game pockets are installed.

For the mesh, you can use any material - a mosquito net, or weave it yourself.
The result is just such a pool table, at which you can get together a big company and play.