In this workshop I want to show how the author made an interesting doorknob for a door made of wood.
For work you will need: a wooden saw, a branch with a beautiful structure, a jigsaw, a saw, a mill, a drill and some other tools that you will learn about in the following article.
First, a wooden blank is taken and with the help of a jigsaw give it the shape you like. Clean the workpiece from the bark, if it is on it and grind it.

The master decided to make a base like this.

Now with the help of the cutter, we select everything that is not needed, leaving our drawing.

To round the edges of the base, a semicircular nozzle for the cutter is used. Clamp with a clamp and round off the edges.

Next, grinding the side faces of the product and chamfer the edges.

The base for the handle is ready. Now you need to make the pen itself. To do this, take the branch or knot that you selected and begin to process it. Remove the bark from it and grind it. You can figure out how it should be on the base and with the help of a circular saw cut the edges so that it is convenient to glue it to the base.

Knead the epoxy glue and densely covering the ends of the handle glue to the base, holding it with a clamp.

The common ground of the base and the handle must be strengthened with pins. Therefore, we drill holes through the base into the handle at a slight angle and drive them in there, also lubricating them with glue.

Saw off the excess.

Now remove the clamp, since pressing the handle led to the fact that its edges rose relative to the base. Their author fixes with electrical tape and leaves to dry for a day.

The next day, the master covers the finished product with varnish in three layers. The glossy Eurotex was used. And in the end, such a beautiful, original doorknob came out of the author’s hands.