Everyone who has their own plot wants to make it unique and cozy. To do this, plant flowers, put sculptural figures and much more. The author of this master class went a little further in his desire to ennoble his plot. He made do it yourself gabion fountain. The following is a description and photos of each step taken. There is nothing complicated in the manufacture of such a structure. Small skills are sufficient when working with the most necessary tool and the same interesting and original decoration may also appear on your site.
First, the author picked up the capacity he needed for the base of the fountain. He has a stainless steel tray. Under its dimensions, a foundation pit is digging into which it will be lowered. It is necessary to level it in order to avoid irregularities and distortions, after which the water level in the sump will be uneven, which can create difficulties in the pump if it does not receive enough water.

Next, a mesh construction is taken. The author has it ready. Personally, I just made it from a galvanized wire mesh, cut out the necessary dimensions and fastened it together with strips of galvanized steel. It turns out beautifully and firmly. But this is at your discretion. In stores sold and finished.

Grid - gabion tower is installed in the middle of the pallet.

A submersible water pump is taken, to which a hose is connected, equal in length to the height of the tower. It is placed in the center of the structure from a grid, on a pallet.

We begin to lay stones. They should be 25-40% larger than the gabion cell so that the beautiful appearance does not fall out and is not lost. Since the stones are quite heavy material, then when laying it in the tower so that the wire structure does not burst, jumpers are placed.

The top of the tower is closed with a kind of lid, also made of mesh. The author makes fastenings from a special spiral, which is wound at the ends. You can also fasten just a piece of wire or strips of galvanized steel. The effect is the same.

The plastic hose is lined with stones. Be careful not to damage it.

A plastic container is added, under the dimensions of which a hole was cut in advance in the gabion lid.

He is also surrounded by stones so that he is not visible.

We collect water in the pan. When installing and stoning the pump with stones, do not forget to leave a place for maintenance. Access to it should be convenient and easily accessible.

In the end, here is such an interesting and original structure you get on your site. And if there are several of them, the effect will be simply amazing! Good luck in the construction.