I present to you the author homemade - stand for eggs. When the eggs are cooked, there is always a problem - where to put them. It’s inconvenient on a plate, they ride on a table ... Of course, you can use the container in which they were sold, or you can make yourself an interesting plywood stand, light, beautiful and collapsible, which will not take up much space when folded in the locker.
To do this, you need a template, 6 mm plywood, drill, screwdriver, sandpaper, files, clerical knife.
Using a program for designing 3D models, the author made a template that he transferred to tracing paper from a computer, using the latter as a carbon copy, and putting paper on the screen. Decide on the size yourself - just by enlarging the picture on the screen to the scale you need. The Art CAM program was used.
Next, the template is cut out and transferred to plywood. After circling all the templates, using a jigsaw, we cut the blanks.
Holes for eggs are cut. We drill a hole and also, using a jigsaw, cut them out.
We process with sandpaper all the bumps and chips that arose during the cutting of parts. Fine grooves are ground using a needle file.
The parts are ready, you can start assembling. There is nothing complicated. If you correctly copied the template and correctly cut out all the grooves, then there should not be any problems with the assembly. All parts are designed for their specific places and they will not work in others.
We align the entire structure and check it with a corner.
Here is the finished work. The fact that this is an Easter stand is okay. The upper part with the letters "XB" can easily be replaced with any pattern or logo you like. With the help of programs you can create any decoration, any template and install it on a stand.
Now the design is to be painted. If it will be constantly in your assembled state, then you can paint it without disassembling it. The author plans to disassemble and clean it, so painting work will be carried out in a disassembled state with acrylic paints. A sketch is made of what you want to see on your product and then bring it to a finished look. This is what will come out at the end of all efforts.Good luck!