Those people who go to the cottage only in the summer period of time and want to breed some animals for this period will be perfect chickens. It grows quickly, requires minimal maintenance - the presence of grain in the feeder and water. Since the number of livestock is usually small, it makes no sense to build a large chicken coop on a garden plot. Therefore, they build small, maximum ten chickens. Therefore, I want to bring to your attention another idea of building a chicken coop for cottages or for those who do not want to bother with a large herd.
For work you will need: saw, hammer, screwdriver, nails, galvanized steel, mesh, wooden blocks and boards.
To begin with, the author dug a trench in the place where the building will be located. It is slightly larger than the base of the chicken coop. For the foundation, cinder blocks were used. A basement crate is made of four bars to which a welded mesh is attached. She will act as a guard against rats, ferrets and so on. That is, it will not allow them to dig holes into the space of the chicken coop. Around the base, fine gravel was thrown.

Now made frame walls, which are assembled on the floor. In those places where there will be an enclosure, the author immediately fixed the grid. All bars and boards are attached to each other using special building corners. When the frame is built and installed in its place, we proceed to its arrangement. An internal room is being made in which hens will rush and spend the night. The floor is made of boards, and the walls are covered with thick plywood, pre-soaked and varnished, so as not to deteriorate from the weather. It also makes a nesting recess in which the hens will be carried. Ventilation holes are made in the upper part of the chicken coop, which will later be covered with a net.

A door is also made for access to the chicken coop and a window closed by a net. A hatch for the nesting compartment is also made. With its help, it is easy to take eggs from nests. The roof is covered with a sheet of tin.

We paint the finished building, install a feeder and a drinking bowl and start the chickens. In such a chicken coop, they are not afraid of either a predator or bad weather.

Inside the chicken coop, a perch must be installed for the perch on which the birds will rest.