This article will consider an example of creating a simple portable generator from a chainsaw. This will be useful to have in the country or other places where electricity is required. Homemade, proposed by the author, is capable of generating not too much energy, only about 12 volts are generated here, which go to the lamp. As a result, we got such a peculiar benzo-lamp.
Of course, you can connect an inverter to such a generator and turn 12V into 220V, or you can charge a car battery. Alternatively, you can also make and put on a makeshift generator that generates immediately 220V. Consider the basic scheme.
Materials and tools for homemade:
- working chainsaw or motor from it;
- stars from a bicycle;
- a chain from a bicycle;
- generator (Any motor with a permanent magnet stator is suitable. You can use other generators, including automobile ones);
- 12V car headlight (if you assemble the lamp, as the author);
- spanners;
- welding;
- grinder;
- a piece of the board, a saw and a generator, as well as a lamp, will be attached to it;
- screws, nuts, screws, wires and other small things.
The process of creating a generator:
Step one. We get stars
In order to transmit torque from a gasoline engine to a generator, a bicycle chain transmission is used. For homemade need rear sprockets and chain. As for the gear ratio, here you already need to think and experiment. The most important thing is that the saw when working at minimum speed can generate enough energy. If the speed is large, there will be too much gas mileage, and you will have to solve the problem of overheating. If the generator is weak, then you can put a smaller asterisk on it, and a larger one on the engine, then the generator speed will be higher.
Step Two Welding work
To mount the sprockets, welding is used. The most important thing in this business is accuracy. As for attaching the sprocket to the saw, then everything is simple. First you need to remove the clutch, the sprocket is placed on the reverse side and is welded exactly in the center. Well, then the clutch with the sprocket is installed in place and this work is completed. But here it all depends on how the clutch is installed. In some saws, it is installed on the contrary and it is quite possible that the sprocket will cling to the saw body.Here you will have to look for other installation options.
As for connecting the sprocket to the generator, then everything here depends on the type of generator. The most important thing is to center the sprocket well, otherwise there will be strong vibrations, and the chain will often fly off.
Step Three DIY assembly
When all welding work is completed, you can begin to assemble the device. As a basis, a piece of board of a suitable size is used, the board must be strong. Next, you need to install a chainsaw and a generator on the board in order to understand how to fix them. Again, the most important thing in this business is accuracy. If the chain goes crooked, it will fly off and wear out quickly.

After carrying out the necessary measurements, you can screw the chainsaw. On one side, the chainsaw is attached to the board with two standard studs that hold the tire. To create the bracket, you can use a piece of corner. On the other hand, the author fixes the saw by the handle with the help of a piece of the plate, which is screwed to the board with self-tapping screws or screws with nuts. When the engine and generator are installed, you can put on the chain and do the first test run. You need to test the device at different speeds and make sure that the chain does not fly off.
At the final stage, a lantern is installed. For him, you need to make a special bracket, for this a piece of plywood and a pipe bent in the right places are used. After installing the headlamp, it can be connected to the generator. If necessary, you can equip the system with switches to turn on different light modes. In the future, the author plans to use pulleys with belts instead of a chain drive. You should also choose the gear ratio correctly so that the lamp burns already at lower speeds, well, come up with a current limit so that the generator does not burn the lamp.