Homemade will be very useful for fishermen. With it, you can accurately and almost silently deliver bait when fishing. The author took a catamaran as the basis for creating home-made. The result was a reliable, powerful vessel that is not afraid of algae and other similar obstacles, which cannot be said about cheap Chinese boats. Of course, there are better models on sale, but for them, you will have to pay an impressive amount, but why pay more, because you can build an excellent boat yourself, and it’s also interesting.
Materials and tools for assembly:
- plywood, coroplast, plastic (or other materials to create the body to choose from);
- hot glue;
- aluminum profile (a power frame is made of it);
- polyurethane foam;
- motors type XK2845-B-3700KV;

- stern tube;
- two regulators for boats Birdie 50A with 3A BEC (or similar);
- equipment for radio control;

- battery and charger (two B-Grade 4000mAh 3S batteries and a HobbyKing Variable 6S 50W 5A battery are suitable);

- HXT 4mm Gold Connectors;
- cutting tools, soldering iron, paint and more.
Homemade manufacturing process:
Step one. Boat hull
The hull of the boat can be assembled from various materials. Plywood is also quite suitable, which can then be glued with fiberglass on epoxy. Of course, it is most preferable to use plastic, since it is lightweight, it is easy to work with it, and it is not afraid of moisture. The body is glued butt. Then, outside the joints, a fabric is glued to seal.

The power frame is installed on top of the boat, it is made of aluminum profile. It allows you to evenly distribute the load throughout the housing. Also, this frame acts as a handle for convenient boat transfer. The author pours the bow parts with mounting foam, so that even in the event of a leak, the ship will not sink. A similar procedure can be done with the feed compartments after the stern tube is installed.

Step TwoBoat driving force
The boat is powered by a water jet. This design is good because the boat is not afraid of algae, as they do not come in contact with moving mechanical parts. Such a mover consists of a pipe in which the screw is located. The pipe itself is closed by a grate.

Step Three Electronics boats
To prevent water from entering the vessel, a stern tube must be installed, as well as a set of propeller, shaft and coupler. As motors here are used XK2845-B-3700KV.
To control the motors, you need two Birdie 50A regulators with 3A BEC, they have water cooling, as well as a reverse stroke, which allows you to deploy the boat.

To open the boxes with bait, you will need two servos. However, if both compartments open simultaneously, a single servo will be enough. Servomotors must be in dustproof and waterproof housing, HK-15139 can be used successfully.
For radio control, Turnigy 9x is used on 9 channels.
As for the power source, two B-Grade 4000mAh 3S batteries are used here, or you can take two more expensive ones like Turnigy nano-tech 4000mah. To connect the regulators to the batteries, you will need the HXT 4mm Gold Connector connectors.
According to the author, the home-made cost him 5,870 rubles. If you compare with store prices, then here you need to lay out all 30,000 rubles. But these are not high-quality boats with brush engines, which are enough for about 20-30 trips. Then you need to change either the brushes or the motors. It also uses outdated equipment that works in the FM band. With such a connection, interference is possible and boat control can be easily lost.
As a result, after buying a new boat, engines usually begin to change, installing brushless motors, and with them regulators have to be changed. Also, over time, you have to change the radio transmitter. Accumulators, which are lead ones, also quickly fail. As a result, a person buys for 30,000 only a boat hull and a pair of servos, which cost no more than 300 rubles. So, for those who decided to get hold of such a thing, it would be much more profitable to assemble the boat yourself.

You can still buy a cheap boat for 2-3 thousand rubles, make additional floats on the sides and install compartments for the delivery of feed. And you can open the compartments from the ground with a jerk for a strong thread or fishing line. This is the cheapest option for creating such a homemade product.