At the next visit, in a private conversation, the five-year-old grandson told me that he was interested in football,
But sports fields are far from the apartment and only two have football gates.
And just kicking the ball quickly bothers.
The grandson left, and I went through the sheds to collect acceptable material. I caught sight of a rare armor bed "one and a half".

It was decided to make football goals for her grandson from her backs.
Using the “grinder” at the backs, I cut off everything superfluous, made the high back wider by 80 cm, borrowing a pipe from the arc at the second back.
Its lower part was also made wider, using a metal pipe from the curtain.
Two pipes from the curtains went to the slopes.
He connected all the pipes by welding with two - millimeter electrodes.
Gate frame slightly tinted.
As a football net, I used a net for potatoes and a net from which fishermen make fish tanks and lifts, which are small shops for catching fry.
The result was a strong, lightweight and even pretty football goal for the grandson.
Found in the attic and volleyball leather balls with a half-century history. One ball was in poor condition
and the cameras had to be restored for a long time.
These now you will not find in stores - a rarity, and for a five-year-old child - an unexplored ancient era.
The football goal for the grandson is ready and, together with a set of “kicking” balls, they are looking forward to seeing the future forward, midfielder or goalkeeper.
In any case, this will be a very useful meeting for the young body.