Today, many modern cars are equipped with on-board computers and a modern audio system with a large set of functions, but basically I install them as an additional option for not a small amount of money, but in older and domestic ones auto such options are not even discussed. In this article, you will learn how to install and connect an on-board computer and a modern infotainment system using an inexpensive gadget.
The author recommends choosing a tablet that has a docking station for cars, since the use of this fixtures will allow you to easily remove the tablet, which in turn can protect against theft of the gadget. If your tablet does not have a docking station, you can also install it.
You can connect the tablet in one of the ways:
1. Full replacement of the standard audio system (connection via an external amplifier)
2. The second method uses a removable car radio instead of an amplifier
The author considered the first option. To complete the installation, you will need the following tools:
1. Screwdriver set
2. Soldering iron with a thin sting, tin, solder, electrical tape
3. A set of keys, pliers, a knife with a sharp blade
1. A tablet with a diagonal of up to eight inches.
2. Car audio adapter
3. Good quality wiring for power and speakers
4. The adapter for charging the gadget in the car
We connect the amplifier to a 12V network
To install a tablet instead of a standard audio system, you will need a car audio amplifier, since the sound card of the device can only output sound to speakers of low power. The author recommends installing the amplifier under the front seats so as not to pull the battery wiring through the entire cabin. To connect the amplifier to the battery, use thick and high-quality wiring.

First you need to remove the CD player (use the car repair and maintenance manual), then you need to stretch the wires to connect the amplifier to the car battery.Do not connect to the wiring through which the full-time audio system was powered from the cigarette lighter, in order to avoid a short circuit and failure of a large amount of electrical equipment.
Important: For a plus, be sure to connect the fuse with a waterproof special holder. The fuse is installed as close to the battery as possible; without a fuse, a short circuit and fire may occur.

To conduct wiring from the passenger compartment to the battery, a small hole should be made in the wall that separates the engine compartment from the passenger compartment. If your car has such a hole in the wire, you can pull it through it, in any case, be sure to install the rubber sleeve, as in the picture, so that the insulation does not rub against the metal.

We connect acoustics to the amplifier
In order not to cut the wires of the audio system when connecting speakers to the amplifier, it is recommended to use a special adapter. In order to make it convenient for you to connect the wiring, the ends of the wires glue the masking tape and sign or number each wire.

To output sound from the tablet to the amplifier, use a stereo RCA cable (do not buy a cheap Chinese cable for 1-2 dollars, the higher the quality of the adapter, the better the sound will be acoustics). The author also recommends screening the audio circuit.
Connecting the gadget with a 12V power supply.
To connect the tablet, you need to extend the positive wire to the fuse box, in the unit itself, locate the unoccupied connector, to which voltage is supplied only when the key in the ignition switch is in the ACC position and disappears in position 0. You can find such a connector using the tips on the inside of the fuse box cover or using a multimeter. Connect one end of the wire to the fuse box using a special connector, and the second to the purchased cigarette lighter socket, which will connect the tablet’s charging adapter. Connect the minus to the ground and the connector. In order not to use adapters, you can solder the wires.
Tablet installation.
In order to install the gadget, cut a piece of plastic slightly larger than the hole in which the CD player was installed, and fix it with epoxy glue. In the center of the plastic, make a hole for the wires through which the power and audio output will be connected. If desired, the plastic can be painted. You can also install the tablet in place of the head unit and fix it with metal strips, then close it with a decorative frame.

Connect the audio output only with the headphone jack on the tablet, using other methods significantly reduces the sound quality, extraneous noise in the speakers is also possible during robots transmissions.

Useful programs for the Android operating system.
1. Tasker - this program allows you to configure the tablet so that it falls asleep after turning off the ignition, and wakes up after turning on.
2. TTS iVona - this program will teach your gadget to welcome you in Russian when you turn it on.
3. Torque Pro - an application that will allow you to make a car diagnosis and calculate fuel consumption (instant, per 100 km., Per day)
This is only a small part of useful applications, and after installing the tablet you can use GPS navigation, Internet services such as Yandex traffic jams, weather (if the tablet has 3G function) and so on.