Today I will tell and show you how to make a mini pump do it yourself!
First we need:
2. Bottle cap
3. Juice tube
4. A piece of tin
5.DVD disc

Let's get started. From the disk you need to cut 3 circles, 2 circles of the same size, which fit into the cover and 1 diameter slightly larger than the cover. Now in the circle that is placed in the cover we make a hole with a diameter equal to the motor shaft, in the second small circle we make a hole a little larger.
In the 3rd circle we make a hole equal to the diameter of the tube. Now we will make a hole in the center of the lid, and also on the side of the same lid we will make a hole equal to the diameter of the tube.
Cut the tube into 2 parts:
Glue one part of the tube to the lid, and the other to a circle of larger diameter.
Then we do everything as shown in the photo:
That's what we got, I hope you enjoyed this idea.
By the way, a few words about the motor: the motor must be powerful and the current supplied to it is appropriate. That’s basically it!
Thanks for attention!