The potter profession is one of the oldest. The first pottery had irregular shapes. With the invention of the potter’s wheel, she acquired regular round shapes. Author homemade decided to revive the ancient profession and began with the manufacture of the pottery wheel.
The dimensions of the pottery wheel depend on the height of the person working on it.
Step one.
Two shields get out of the boards. Cropped in a circle. Stray among themselves. A square hole is cut in the middle, the size of which is equal to the size of the lower part of the axis. The flywheel is ready.

A square rail is used for the axis. To the top, she should loan. The place where the desktop will be mounted is made round. Holes are drilled above and below the axis, metal pins are inserted into them.

Knocks down the desktop, he is a bench. It is necessary that when the potter sits the working circle is at the level of the lower back. On 2 vertically mounted boards nails transverse. Then, measuring the diameter of the round part of the axis, the same hole is sawn in the working table. The part in the form of a trapezoid is cut from the desktop. The hole is divided in half between parts of the desktop. In the main part, 2 pins are attached, and in the other half, 2 holes for them.

Next, the author inserts the axis into the flywheel. The upper circular part of the axis is inserted into the sleeve. By installing the second part of the table on the pins, fasten them with a rope.

On the top of the axis sets the working disk.