The sandblast is designed for instant cleaning of metal, plastic and other materials from various kinds of contaminants. Such a device will be especially useful for those who have their own car workshop, or another institution where it is necessary to constantly clean something from rust, dirt and other things. Sandblasting perfectly cleans rust and dirt where it is difficult to get with sandpaper or a rag. With this cleaning, the material immediately becomes like new, as if it was recently purchased.
Below we will consider an example of creating a sandblast. The mechanism turned out to be quite complex and costly, but very effective and powerful.
Materials and tools for homemade:
- a 5.5 mm Venturi nozzle (made of tungsten carbide);
- gas cylinder (sandblasting base);
- three-way valve;
- inch crane;
- 3/4 inch faucet for air bleeding;
- tap with nozzle and hose BMS 20 mm;
- compressor (the author has a capacity of 1350 liters);
- two receivers of 222 liters each;
- paint.

Of the tools you need a grinder, welding, wrenches, a measuring tool, etc., which can always be found in a real master.
Sandblasting manufacturing process:
Step one. Device Base
An ordinary gas cylinder was used as a base. A three-way tap is used as a mixer. Still often, such devices have special containers at the bottom of the container into which the remains of sand are poured. This is not provided here, since high-quality dry sand is used for work.

As for the filling hole, it is also made of a piece of the cylinder. A two-inch crane was used for backfill. There is also a 3/4 inch tap on the cylinder; it is designed to bleed air.
Subsequently, a hose of the BMS type 20 mm with a special nozzle and tap is connected to the cylinder. One crane is enough to actively work sandblasting for three days. It is important that the crane is either open or completely closed during operation. Otherwise, a stream of sand instantly destroys the crane, after 15 minutes it becomes almost unusable.
Step TwoHow to use a compressor and receiver
For the operation of the device, a compressor of 220 liters is enough. But it is important to understand that sandblasting requires a pressure of the order of 10 bar for efficient operation. If the pressure is lower, the cleaning speed will be significantly reduced, or because of too slow movement of sand, cleaning will not occur. A way out of this situation could be pumping the receiver.
Another option is to use a nozzle of a smaller diameter, but this will also reduce productivity.
In this regard, for professional work, sandblasting requires the purchase of a powerful compressor immediately. Initially, the author had a compressor that produced 6 bar, and its performance was 550 liters. Such sandblasting could work only less than one minute, then it was necessary to pump up the receiver again to 150 liters.
Subsequently, a powerful compressor for 1350 liters was purchased, and two receivers were purchased, each of which has a volume of 222 liters.
Step Three The final stage of assembly
Under the receivers you need to make two stands, they should be located vertically. You will also need to make two taps so that you can get rid of condensate. In addition, a pressure gauge was installed to control the pressure.

As a result, after processing and painting, the receivers were installed. To the surprise of the author, in this position they did not take up as much space as expected. Anyway, homemade work requires investment, but its usefulness easily justifies the investment.

After assembly, it turned out that even now there is not enough air in the sandblast. During operation, the pressure can drop to 7-7.5 bar. But, nevertheless, these figures are enough to work continuously for a long time.
You can see what the device is capable of in action on the video: