Those who spend warm spring-summer days in the country, or have their own home with a garden in rural areas and plant gardens, know what hassle arises from watering cultivated plants. First you need to bring the hose to its destination, but that's half the trouble. While it is being dragged or carried, it will all twist and bends appear that interfere with the normal flow of water through the hose. Excess pressure is created and the hose can fly out if the hose clamp is not tightly screwed on. After work, it must be carried and put in the space reserved for him in the room. And this is not so convenient. After all, after watering, it becomes wet and often dirty. To avoid such inconveniences and easily transport it from place to place, let's make a convenient coil for it, on which we will wind it.
For work you will need:
a piece of sewer plastic pipe, studs with washers and nuts, pipes ¾ "and ½", bottoms from basins, hose, tap and hose nozzles.
To begin with, we will manufacture coil sides. Of course, they can also be made from plywood coated with a water-repellent composition, but anyway, with frequent use, the paintwork can be accidentally damaged and the plywood will begin to warp. She will not last long. You can also take plastic. The author settled on basins. Cut off their bottoms.

A plastic pipe was used for the core.

Since the bottoms of the basins are very soft, they are reinforced with plastic. If there is plywood, then it is possible for her, only from the outside of the coil, so that it does not come into contact with moisture.

Further, with respect to the center, a circle was drawn with a diameter equal to the diameter of the plastic pipe. Holes for studs and a hole for the central pipe ½ "are drilled.

Now going inside the coil.

Fill one side of the pipe with sealant or put a cap. We assemble the coil frame. For this, studs with a diameter of 10 mm and plastic tubes that will be worn on them are needed.

We cook the frame from a strip of 20x4 mm. In the center of the frame, segments of a thin-walled "pipe are welded so that a ½" pipe enters into it.

We install the frame on the reel and connect the hose.

As a result, a coil turned out to be no worse than factory analogues.