So-called liquid wallpapers are quite popular today - this decorative material for walls can become a worthy alternative to the usual paper and non-woven wallpaper.
Many people who have chosen liquid wallpaper (this is what decorative plaster based on cellulose fiber is called) as a material for decorating the walls of a country house are interested in the question: is it possible to apply them do it yourself? In principle, it can be noted that the technology of decorating walls with liquid wallpaper is not particularly difficult, however, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to apply the material in several stages, which can slightly slow down the progress of repairing a house or a country cottage.
First of all, you should take care of the preliminary preparation of the wall surface: before you start the direct finish with liquid wallpaper, the walls will have to be thoroughly cleaned of all visible dirt, old coatings and dust. After that, the surface is degreased, dried and coated with a primer (if necessary). By the way, one of the advantages of liquid wallpaper is that it can be applied to almost any surface, even those that were previously painted with oil paint (it is known that the use of oil paints and varnishes practically negates the possibility of finishing with other materials in the future).
After the surface of the walls is cleaned and dried, you can proceed to the next step of repairing the walls: mixing the mixture. To do this, pour the dry mixture into a previously prepared container and fill it with the volume of water specified in the instructions or on the package. Very much attention is paid to such a moment as mixing the mixture, since the quality of the future coating will largely depend on how carefully the liquid wallpaper is mixed - the mass should be perfectly uniform, without lumps.
Most often, a regular paint spatula is used to apply liquid wallpaper on the walls with your own hands, but a special hopper gun is a much more convenient device, which will allow you to apply cellulose plaster faster and more evenly. As already mentioned, the liquid material is applied in several layers, and the time for complete drying of the coating is usually from 1 to 3 days (depending on air temperature and humidity level in the room).After the mixture takes the form of the original textured coating and completely dries, it can be coated with a special acrylic protective varnish, which will make the wall finish more durable. Remember that the “sticking” of liquid wallpaper should be done at an air temperature of at least + 10 ° C - this is another important condition that is the key to high-quality and durable repair of walls in a country house.