Those who often use measuring devices face such a problem as temporary connection of leads, for example, a multimeter with wires or just leads electronic components. The fact is that the probes are made needle-shaped, for convenient ringing of chains, because the piglets are made small, and what can we say about devices for surface mounting.
These wonderful clamps make it easy to grab a bare wire or electronic component lead. Thus, you can fix this clip on the leg of any microcircuit and control the voltage change on it. It will be even more practical to measure current with the help of such probes, you just need to "insert" an ammeter into the circuit break from the side of the power source and your own consumer.

Five such clips of different colors are included. The standard probe tip is inserted directly into these clamps - everything is provided. The clamp holds any wire or the output of parts tightly - it is very convenient.

Cost: ~ 60