If you want to make a small decorative fountain and, for example, put it on a table to enjoy the murmur of water, then you need a water pump. This small white pump slowly pumps water at a speed of 80-120 Liters per hour or 22-33 milliliters per second - just for small fountains or waterfalls. The working constant voltage is 2.5-6 Volts, with a maximum potential difference, the power will be maximum.
The water electric pump is made of engineering plastic and has small dimensions: height 33 mm, length 45 mm, and diameter 24 mm. The declared time of continuous operation, in which the pump will fully work 500 hours or 20.8 days.

The electric pump (pomp) has two holes, through one water comes out under pressure, and through the second it is pumped from the source. For autonomous power, a lithium-ion battery can be used without problems, but if you have access to the network, then no matter how best you can use a 5-volt switching power supply.

Cost: ~ 82