As it is precisely noticed: the clock hands are represented by two hands that take their time from people. To determine at your summer cottage - what time is it now, you need to stop working, wash your hands, find a mobile phone. But what if we make a working sundial in the country? They will not only decorate some corner of the garden, but will also show the time.
And the kids know how will like it: the children will seem like fairy wizards who possess the secrets of the time.
Options for horizontal sundial:
High-precision watches at the summer cottage are not needed, and the manufacture of the simplest sundial is not difficult and does not take much time. First, a site is selected in the sunny area, which is not obscured by buildings, fences, trees and leveled. Do not forget that the constant presence of the sundial will be in the open air, so the material for the watch must be resistant to atmospheric precipitation. As a dial, you can take a natural stone with a flat surface,
ceramic tile
laid out on a brick base, sawed logs,
a metal barrel lid, a large decorative plate and even a flower bed with varieties of undersized flowers planted on it
or just a flat area in the form of a circle from several decimeters and more than one meter.
For time points (divisions), you can use large pebbles,
decorative figures
stumps. On small dials, divisions are marked with paints or colored strips are glued. Only this is done after installing the gnomon (arrows).
The gnomon is cut in a triangle, one corner is straight and the other is equal to the geographical latitude where your country house. The arrow is strengthened so that the sides of the triangle are in the same plane, which is perpendicular to the cadran (dial) and oriented using a compass from south to north, while the top of the corner, equal to the latitude of the dacha, is set in the center of the cadron.

Now every hour (while the sun is shining) are laid out, divisions are established on the dial.
Simple sundials are ready for use.