A simple holder that allows you to use a netbook in the car. The author often uses a netbook, due to the small size of the device and the good duration of battery retention, he has become a constant companion on trips. In order to make it convenient to use a netbook and not be distracted from driving, the author decided to make a convenient holder for a netbook in his car.
- cheap tripod for the camera
- Metal sheet
- glue
- copper wire
- insulating material
A detailed description of the process of making a stand for a netbook in a car.
Of course, there are a large number of different types of holders for laptops in the car on the goods market, but not all of them can be convenient in a particular car model, and also quite expensive.
Step One: Collect Materials to Assemble the Holder.
Therefore, having seen a tripod for a camera in the store for 300 rubles, the author decided to purchase it and make a laptop holder suitable for his car based on it.

Further, the author found in the garage a sheet of metal and cut out from it a suitable piece that will be used as a stand.

Step Two: Create a shelf holder.
In order not to scratch the netbook, the author screwed a pair of holding hooks of 4k copper wire in isolation, and also closed the sharp edges of the stand with an insulating sheath from the wire. The insulation sheath was fixed with glue.

Step Three: Mount the holder.
After the platform for the netbook was prepared, the author mounted it on a tripod, got a convenient stand. In this form, it can already be used for its intended purpose, if there is no place on the table or the table itself where you can put the netbook.

Fourth step: developing a holder mount in the car.
But in order to use this stand in the car, it must be somehow fixed there.
For the manufacture of fasteners needed the following materials:
- A piece of channel

- 2 mm plate
- A piece of plastic plate.
Step Five: Create a holder for the holder in the car.

Next, the assembly was carried out and the design was attached to the bolt from the passenger seat.
Subsequently, the author secured the socket from a 12-220 V auto-inverter directly to this channel.

Then, three holes were drilled in the plate, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the legs of the legs from the tripod.

Further below, a plastic plate with holes was fixed, and grooves were made on the tips.

Thus, when installing a tripod in the holes of the upper plate, it is necessary to rotate the lower plate, after which the tripod will be securely fixed.

To avoid rocking the tripod, the author also decided to fix the panel on top of the device.
Step six: assembly and installation of a holding device for a laptop in a car.
Installing and removing a tripod takes only a few seconds, and the mount securely holds the laptop on a stand.
The tripod mounts are quite invisible and do not interfere with passengers when the stand is removed.

As a result, the author received a convenient stand for a laptop, the fastenings of which take up very little space, do not interfere with the opening of the glove compartment, do not interfere with passengers, and do not close the airbag, which is very important. The tripod itself allows you to twist the laptop stand in any convenient plane, which provides ease of use while riding (for example, to plot a route on a map).
With all these advantages, the material costs of creating the device are about 300 rubles + several unnecessary parts found in the garage.