Hello, dear users of this site. Outside is summer. The most convenient and good time for hiking in nature, picnics, fishing. In general - the best time for an active vacation.
Each time, going to nature, many people take with them a bunch of firewood or coals, on which food will be prepared. It is not always possible to find dead wood at a vacation spot in order to use it as a combustible material. Therefore, I want to tell you how to make the so-called Finnish candle. It is good because it does not take a lot of time to make it and it burns long enough. To make such a device you only need a piece of log, a drill with a drill and a chainsaw.
The author of this master class initially took a small log and got confused on how to cut it conveniently. To do this, he drills a hole in a shorter block, pushes a stick there and in the second, longer log, he also makes a hole. It is planting a small block and longer and is already sawing. Here's how it happens and what comes of it.

Next, he takes an ordinary paraffin candle and sprinkles the cuts with paraffin from the inside.

Then he takes the newspaper, a few centimeters longer than the depth of the slot in the log and crumbles a candle shavings into it. The edges also melt with molten paraffin. The resulting part is inserted into the slot of the block.

Then this wick is set on fire and the candle burns.

This is just one option. Usually in nature, I and friends, having prefabricated a candle blank, a thicker log and not any candles with a wick. An extra waste of time. In our openings, small wood shavings are already poured in nature, dry grass is set on fire. Much faster and more convenient. According to him, the author burns this candle no more than half an hour. And the production time is twenty minutes. In our case, the manufacturing time does not exceed five minutes. And burns longer. But it depends on the thickness of the log. It is installed simply - it either stands alone if the lower part of the log is wide enough, or digs into the ground. Enough and cook the ear and boil the tea. So there you go. But in general - quite a convenient and useful thing. Saves time and effort!