Hello, dear users of this resource. Although the warm season is now in the yard, it will not hurt to prepare a couple of feeders for our feathered friends. In winter, it is more difficult for them to earn food than now. Therefore, I bring to your attention a bird feeder, which can be easily made do it yourself.
To make this thing to us need such tools and material, as:
Hammer, small cloves, wood screws, screwdriver, jigsaw, miter box, saw, plywood or chipboard, paint or varnish, planks, slats, bolts with nuts and washers, as well as a socket-stand.
To begin with, we determine the size of the future feeding trough. Then we cut out from plywood or small boards or collect two sides of the roof. For her, it will also be necessary to cut the rafters. To do this, on the bar mark a triangle with sides of an angle of 90 degrees. In its lower part we cut a semicircle.
Next, proceed to the assembly of the roof. For the strength of the connection of parts, we first coat them with waterproof glue and for reliability we fix with small cloves.

After you assemble the roof, you can begin to create a forage site. It consists of a piece of plywood, along the edges of which railing boards are launched. They are also first glued, and then fastened with carnations. In the two sides, in the middle, leave free space. There will be attached support-holders of the feeder. Two flexible wooden planks will be used for them. You also need to buy a driven support. You can also make it yourself. There is nothing difficult about this. This is how the assembly of the feed platform and all the finished parts of the feeder look.

Now in the support bars we drill four holes and fasten them together with bolts. You will also need a spacer stick, which will split the support strips. It will be attached just below the aft compartment. In the strips themselves, drill holes for a spacer stick.

We additionally paint parts of the feeder with some kind of paint and varnish composition in order to protect the finished product from moisture.

We begin to attach the support strips to the aft platform.To do this, using self-tapping screws, we attach the feeders to the sides, on which we left free places from the sides. The upper part of the strips, for convenience of attaching to the roof, is cut off at a slight angle and is attached to the roof using screws.

A prepared stick is installed in the holes under the platform.

The author pasted the roof with roofing material. Instead of glue, sealant was used. The joint in the upper part of the roof is additionally glued with a piece of roofing material.

Now you need to strengthen the feeder on the ground. We take the socket, in its hollow part we insert wooden blocks and hammer into the ground. This must be done firmly enough to ensure good stability of the feeder. Next, we take out the bars and insert the support strips. Fasten with screws.

The result is a very good bird feeder, which will not only decorate your interior, but also provide an opportunity for birds to eat grain or whatever you put in it in the cold season. As you can see, the design is easy to manufacture, and there is enough benefit from it. Even with aesthetic perception. So I wish you to make such a feeding trough and enjoy the opportunity to contemplate a variety of birds in your area!