The cellar always maintains the optimum temperature for storing all kinds of pickles, jams, vegetables, drinks. By the way, kvass is very good which is stored exactly in the cellar, because the coolness is the most optimal, unlike storage in the refrigerator.
And the device of the cellar is the simplest, this is a depression in the ground with an overlap from above and is sheltered from the heat and other atmosphere by a building in the form of a house. The most important thing is that the products are stored for years, and absolutely no energy is consumed. The legacy of our ancestors serves us to this day, and vryatli will come up with something better in the future.
The cellar finished inside is certainly just a class, as for example in the photo.

Well, then go directly to yourself building, but before starting, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the list of necessary materials and tools.
1) blocks 200 * 400 * 200
2) cement
3) sand
4) fittings
5) board
6) corner
7) plywood
8) roofing material
1) shovel
2) a hammer
3) trowel
4) welding machine
5) grinder
6) drill
7) ax
8) level
And so before proceeding to the analysis of the author’s work, it would be nice to study the layout of the cellar.
Here is a classic diagram of this structure.

And also bulk.

Underground located on a slope.

In this case, the author started a grandiose construction, he decided to make the cellar underground, and make the entrance with an earthen embankment, because the entrance plays an important role in the temperature regime, if the entrance is cool then the room itself will retain constant humidity and temperature. But with a different location without an embankment, there will be a big difference, and when opened, a rapid change in temperature will occur.
The first step, of course, is digging a pit.

Laying a sand cushion and waterproofing only spread on it, reinforcement is laid out.

The prepared site is poured with cement mortar.

Then begins the construction of a box of blocks.

Putting the author begins strictly from the corner.

Almost done now.

Internal work is in progress.

The flooring is being made.

The base is prepared.

The most important part of the cellar is its ventilation, because without it there will be increased humidity, and as a result mold and fungus. With a properly installed ventilation system, these problems are not terrible, and the supplies will be stored much longer.

Then the author goes directly to the ceiling, sets up supports for subsequent concreting of the outer plane.

And in the upper part he puts the reinforcement.

And the entire surface is poured with cement mortar.

After everything froze and dried up, the author proceeds to the earthen embankment itself, and since working with a shovel is long and tiresome) our master drove a little friend.

Having done all the hard work, he goes to the interior, is engaged in the installation of shelves for storing jams and pickles.

And the hostess carefully laid out her blanks.

Ready for the winter!

Also in the cellar, many store wine drinks, mainly in the southern regions.

Also, the author offers here such an option for entering without an embankment.

But many go further, maybe to amuse or seriously and build these pyramids here.