It’s difficult for a person to always be standing on his feet and wants to sit down, for this purpose, mankind has come up with quite a few all kinds of sedentary devices.
All kinds of chairs, benches, benches and much more, the simplest and fastest to put together a bench from a board or timber.
Special skills and education are not needed here - this is a matter for everyone to do. The material is also not exquisite, an ordinary board is taken.
The main thing is to observe the dimensions and geometry, otherwise it will turn out crooked and it will be uncomfortable to sit.
What should go directly to the bench itself, but first, check out the list of necessary materials and tools.

1) board
2) wood screws
3) varnish

1) circular saw
2) jigsaw
3) power saw
4) screwdriver
5) brush
6) hammer
7) roulette
8) corner
And so the first thing the author cuts out the legs.

Then twists among themselves.

It makes the main part of the structure, on which people will later sit.

And everything is completed by screwing the back.

After completing the work, the master breathed a little, and decided to cover the product with varnish, that's what he did.

A seemingly simple bench, and how much benefit it brings to people. It will not be difficult for you to make the same shop when you familiarize yourself with all the subtleties of manufacturing.