In order not to buy such a tool in specialized stores, the author of this tool for engraving metal and applying a pattern made on his own, from what was essentially at hand.
And so you should go directly to the consideration of the creation process itself, but first you should familiarize yourself with the list of used material and tool.
1) flat file
2) wooden handle
3) a piece of pipe
1) grinder
2) emery
3) welding machine
4) hammer
And so first the author prepared an old

Here's a handle, probably from the old granny nightstand)

Great pen.

Then a piece of pipe is taken.

A small piece is cut off.

Here's the result from the author.

Further welded such a detail.

And already in the prepared handle the cutter inserted.

He sharpened the cutting part on emery.

As you can see from the foregoing, making the tool yourself is not so difficult, the main thing is to want it and you will succeed :)