Nowadays, any knife can be bought in the store, both in fishing and in hunting. The prices, respectively, for a good and high-quality product will not particularly please, and buying a cheap one is not solid if the fisherman or hunter is seriously engaged in these hobbies.
Because many craftsmen make knives for themselves do it yourself, the material used is mainly the one found in the garage, handles mainly made of wood and birch bark.
But the author went even further and decorated the pen with a variety of decorating elements in the style of steampunkwhat came out of this will see further reading the article to the end.
So, in order to understand everything, you need to clearly consider the author’s photo report, but before you go directly to viewing, you should familiarize yourself with the list of necessary materials and tools.
1) blade
2) birch suvel
3) copper and brass parts
4) plexiglass
5) epoxy resin
6) lighter in brass body
1) welding machine
2) emery
3) drilling machine
4) metal sheet
5) milling cutter
To create such a handsome man

The author first took the blade.

Begins grip preparation.

Passes through emery, thereby stripping.

Welds a layer of metal.

Removes excess with emery.

Here is such a part made of brass that serves to prevent the hand from sliding to the cutting part of the blade.

Everything fits perfectly.

It also prepares channels for decorating elements.