The work is truly skilful, and it demanded that the author of this product give everything in full, put all his creativity in, create a unique and very beautiful thing.
Making such beauty, the author used the usual, and sometimes unnecessary details and objects. Masters of this direction are also very fond of using antiques in their works, or details from them, because the thing turns out to be doubly unique and attracts people's views.
Working in this direction, the master gained considerable experience, and as he believes it is time to share his work with people.
And so in order to delve into everything and thoroughly understand the creation of the pen, you should further familiarize yourself with the article, study the photographs taken by the author,
View a list of required materials and tools.
1) fountain pen
2) brass tube
3) brass sheet
4) drawing paper
5) bead
6) chain
1) lathe
2) jigsaw
3) metal sheet
4) file
5) burner
6) pliers
7) sandpaper
8) drill
And so, on the basis of this fountain pen, the author will create his own masterpiece.

The master recommends that everyone do more creative work!