Today, in rural areas, with the transition to private farms, from collective labor, the prevailing trend is the creation and invention of auxiliary equipment, and other instruments that facilitate the already hard work of the villager.
So our author, in order to simplify his work, decided to assemble a trailer for a walk-behind tractor, on which he would later carry hay, firewood, water in cans, and just go fishing and pick mushrooms.
The materials are mainly used that have served during operation on other types of equipment and cars, for example, the bridge is taken from a passenger auto the wheels are also from there, the frame is welded from a corner and a channel.
And so in order to understand the essence of the construction of the trailer, you need to carefully study the author's photo report, and look at the list of necessary materials and tools.
1) a bridge from a passenger car Muscovite 412
2) wheels 2 pcs Muscovite 412
3) corner
4) pipe
5) sheet metal
6) bolts
7) nuts
1) grinder
2) welding machine
3) hammer
4) set of wrenches
5) pliers
6) drill
7) emery
And so, dear friends, in order to make it all the more clear, the author offers to get acquainted with his drawings.

Then the author proceeds to manufacture the frame of the future trailer.

[media = https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v = 7ZwENFQMLzc]